since 2003
…connecting science & technology
ASCOMP GmbH is a Swiss Company specialized in high-fidelity CFD for industrial and environmental processes.
We deliver engineering solutions to a variety of conventional and high-tech sectors, including energy conversion systems (nuclear to cleanTech) and mechanical engineering, environment and wind engineering, chemical and process engineering, and emerging technologies including microfluidics and MedTech. ASCOMP‘s strength lies in its comprehensive expertise in single and multiphase flow physics and simulation methodologies and in its ability to tailor predictive strategies and physical models to specific problems. ASCOMP develops and commercializes its own CFD solver (TransAT), tailored to respond to specific mutliphase, multiphysics fluid and heat/mass transfer problems.

methods: CFD

c/o: Technopark Zurich
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich

contact person
Dr Djamel Lakehal, CEO
phone 044 445 4070/71/72

xirrus GmbH simulates surface coatings with Molcular Dynamics

In an MD simulation of a hydrophobic brush layer on a pure metal surface one can investigate in direct comparison where water and other substances are distributed under the chosen conditions. The study of longer sequences allows to derive the thermodynamic equilibrium (mean preferred location) as well as the dynamics (diffusion: how fast are sites exchanged).

Hydrophobic coatings can be applied by hydrophobic substances, e.g. so called brush layers. Mostly they are bound chemically after they have been brought to the surface, such that wear of the molecular brushes is low. Those who never have seen such a simulation model by their own eyes, would be surprised by the quick motions, that quick that only little measuring methods could capture them at all.
A simple measure for the quality of the brush layer is the contact angle of an applied water droplet. The more it comes close to 180 degrees, the more hydrophobic the surface is.

Materials Design

since 1998

Materials Design
Think ahead. Think modeling and simulation.

Materials Design consists of a global team of world-class computational materials scientists with a wide range of expertise in physics, chemistry, software engineering and materials databases. Working with the research labs of leading companies, we understand the importance of rapid impact on R&D projects. Our passion is using science to solve industrial problems and drive global competitiveness.
Founded in 1998 by a team of leading scientists, Materials Design is a company designed for today’s world with employees and partners working on three continents and in seven time zones. If you don’t have in-house R&D capabilities, our team can step in and help you solve specific problems where you need additional support or expertise. When you work with us, your project benefits from the full range of our software capabilities and our computer infrastructure. Our reliable, well-tested software tools are now working for you, producing results you can trust.
At Materials Design, we’re also known for our collaborative approach to problem solving. For many customers, we provide an efficient path to building in-house expertise in computational technology. Our technology partnerships are typically longer-term engagements where we develop new software capabilities designed to meet a specific need. Work with the teamof Materials Design to tap into the potential of the future.

  • Software:
  • The multifunctional software platform MedeA: ( to compute materials properties:
  • structural properties
  • thermo-mechanical properties
  • thermodynamic properties
  • chemical properties
  • transport properties
  • electronic proerties
  • optical properties
  • magnetic properties

Materials Design
c/o: Rene Windiks
Postfach 793
5201 Brugg AG

contact person
Dr. René Windiks, Scientist
Telefon +41.43.500.5994
e-Mail: (Rene Windiks)